Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Favourite Subject: Penal Law

My favorite subject is Penal Law. This area concerns rules prohibiting, crimes and misdemeanors, that is, actions that violate those rules, performing the types contained in the penal code (substantive criminal law), the due penal process, that is to say, how justice reacts to the commission of a crime and the rules who governs the process that respects the accused´s rights (adjective penal law), enforcement of penalties (executive criminal law) and the phenomenon of crime (criminology).
I like this subject because I think that it concerns the involvement of the most important human rights, those are life, freedom and sometimes property. And even when in most of the countries, death penalty is banned; I ask you, a life without freedom, is really a life? Especially in countries like Chile where prisons are horrible places, with very poor conditions.  
In second, I like this subject because is an area that mixes many subjects, such as psychology, sociology, legal medicine, philosophy and obviously laws.
Some things that I would like to change in penal law are:
-          Between crime and poverty exist a very close relation. Yesterday, I went to three oral trials, with some classmates. All defendants were accused for drug trafficking (Law number 20000), and they were poor people. They said that they trafficked out of necessity; we could think that all the defendants said the same think, but I think that this is just an excuse, the excuse of blind people or people that prefers to be blind instead of to do something trying to change the things.
-          Animal abuse. All the politicians talk us about economic growth and development, but nobody notices that development and culture means a good relation with nature to. We need a substantive develop in this area. Animals aren´t thinks, because they have the ability to feel pain. 


Barbara said...

I think penal law is one of the most valuable topics in law, bacause it is a experience with real people. It does not matter about contracts and any kind of patrimonial problem, if not, people that lives in social disadvantages. I hope you take care for this people, when you will be a lawyer.

Barbara said...

When I said take care for thise people, I refer to protect their rights like human beings and please do not be misled by the criminal policy.

Sarasvati77 said...

Francisco: you know that my specialty is criminal law, however I have a position absolutely guarantees and sociological criticism (as Alessandro Baratta), based on my personal social critically and understand the phenomena of power and law.

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