Saturday, December 31, 2011

I would like to visit the United Kingdom:

I like Chile; I like its people and its geography.  I am sure that I will always live here. But when I was seventeen I realized that I would like to visit United Kingdom: I know that British are cold, unfriendly, boring, xenophobic and nationalist, or that´s what I have heard about them, and specifically about English people. But I think that its culture, its music, its history, its architectural patrimony and its art, are very interesting.
I would like to go to the UK when I finish my major; obviously I have to work a couple of months to save enough money, considering that life is very expensive there, or in London at least.
There, I would like to go to Glastonbury´s Festival, Stonehenge, London´s Tower, Camden´s Fair, the London Eye, London´s Big Ben, Madame Tussauds´s Museum in London, Top Man Shop in London and a big etc.
I just want to visit the UK, I don´t expect to study or live there, because I hope to pursue a Ph. D. in Spain and I truly think that I´ll live the rest of my life in Chile.

Picture: Glastonbury´s Festival.

Friday, December 23, 2011

TV and Movies:

I am a cinema lover. I love classic films, art cinema, documentaries, and a big etcetera.
I select the movies that I watch considering its director. My favourites directors are Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Darren Aronofsky, Gus van Sant, Lars von Trier, Sofia Coppola  and Xavier Dolan.
 I like A Clockwork Orange,  The Shining (they both of Kubrick), Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet (writed and directed by David Lynch), Requiem for a Dream, Black Swan (Darren Aronofsky), My Own Private Idaho (Gus van Sant), Dancer in the Dark, Breaking the Waves, Antichrist, Melancholia (Lars von Trier), Lost in Translation, Marie Antoinette, The Virgin Suicides (Sofia Coppola), J'ai tué ma mère and Heartbeats ( Xavier Dolan). Other films that I like are: Trainspotting (directed by Danny Boyle), Billy Elliot (by Stephen Daldry) and Taxi Driver (by Martin Scorsese).
My favourite film is a Clockwork Orange, it drove me crazy when  I was seventeen . I  love its script, the music of Ludwing van Beethoven, its scenes, the colour, the performances, summarazing, I love all the movie. I´m reading the book now (it was writed by Anthony Burgess in 1962), and I think that the film is better, because  although Alex is worst in the novel he change and became a better person, but in the film Kubrick decided to eliminate the last chapter and in my opinion  the result is dramatically better.
If someone made a film about my life it would be a tragicomedy and it would have the best soundtrack ever made, with David Bowie, The Smiths, Lou Reed and a big etc.
I don´t really like television, I think that it burn your brains, even more if you watch chilean TV. The media lie because it´s driven by economic forces. 


A New and Strange Term:

This post takes its name from the strange circumstances in wich our term develops. Although we had a strike that  lasted six months, the University´s authorities decided to start the second semester, so here we go.
I am taking six subjects: Procesal Law V, Comercial Law II, Criminology, Social Security, Legal Argumentation and English level four. I have been designate as assistant in the course Penal Law I with the teachers  María Inés Horvitz and Antonio Bascuñán to, so I´ve a lot of work for this strange term.  
I have great expectations for this semester,  so I´m not really angry having clases on Summer. My philosophy is that with hard work you can get everything you want, obviosly that everything doesn´t means literally everything, but all the things that are logically achievable.
I just hope  get the results that I expect.