Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Favourite Movie

My favourite movie is A Clockwork Orange.
This is Crime-Drama-Sci Fi film, directed by Stanley Kubrick, in the cast, Malcolm McDowell as main character.
The film is based in the same name novel, written by Anthony Burgess.

It tells us the story of Alex DeLarge, a young british who lives in the future Britain, with his parents in a poor suburban neighbourhood. Alex is a charismatic, psychopathic delinquent whose pleasures are classical music (especially Beethoven), rape, and ultra-violence. He spend the time raiding houses, raping women and fighting in the streets, with his friends, the droogs (this is the way that Alex uses to call his friends, they all participate in a gang). Alex narrates most of the film in Nadsat, a language based in a mix of russian and english.
The film tells the horrific crimes of his gang, his capture, and attempted rehabilitation via a controversial technique.
One day, at night, Alex and his droogs invade the mansion of a woman. Alex hits the woman with a phallic statue, and when he hears the police sirens approaching the house, he tries to run away, but is attacked by his droogs, who leave him stunned and bleeding. Alex is captured by the police, they says his that the woman has died, making him a murderer. Alex is sentenced to 14 years in jail.
Two years into the sentence, the Minister of the Interior arrives at the prison looking for volunteers for the Ludovico technique, an experimental aversion therapy for rehabilitating criminals. The process involves drugging Alex while strapping him to a chair, forcing his eyelids to stay open, and subjecting him to watch violent movies. Alex, initially pleased by the violent images, starts to become repulsed due to the drugs; he soon realises that the films soundtracks are by his favourite composer Ludwing van Beethoven, and that the Ludovico technique will make him averse to that and tries to end the treatment to no avail.
 I really like this film because it shows us the way how politicians and states can use people to achieve their objectives. Also the film in its time (1972) was really controversial, even in many countries it was censured, and I think that this makes it more interesting. And for finished, Blur (the britpop band) made a video based in A Clockwork Orange, for the song The Universal.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in 1869. He was a major political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement. At school, Gandhi was an avarage student. But, he passed the matriculation exam for Samaldas College, however he was unhappy, in part because his family wanted him to become a barrister. On 4 September 1888, Gandhi travelled to London, England, to study law at Univesrity College London.

He was a pioneer in Satyagraha, a philosophy that is largely concerned with truth and ‘resistance to evil through active, non-violent resistance’, wich led India to independence and inspired civil-rights and freedom movements around the world. As a product of his work, he even spent a number of years in jail in South Africa and India.

Following his philosophy, Gandhi swore to speak the truth and advocated that others do the same. He lived modestly in a community and wore the traditional Indian shawl, woven from yarn that he had spun by hand. He ate vegetarian food and undertook long fasts for self-purification and social protest.
I think that through his fight, many people felt stronger for fighting for their rights, that is to say, he was and he is an example for all who believe in freedom and human rights.
I admire him because he was really brave, he believed in some principles and fought all his life for these.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I think that is a quite pretentious talk about our selves, but this is my first post so I think that it could be interesting write about me.
I am a young guy who studies Law at University of Chile. I was born in Peumo, in the sixth region of my country, but in 2008 I came to Santiago and started my major. I always had good marks at school and I got good results in the PSU, so I decided to study something "big"... like everyone else think, but in fact, is a very difficult and eat-lifes major and career, maybe. If the buddhists have the reason and all we will reincarnate in other creature, I really want to be an artist, preferently a musician like Lou Reed or David Bowie. But meanwhile, I just can spend my time getting better in all the different areas as soon as posible and as far as posible: And one of these areas is languages, and specially English. So, that explains why I´m here now, writing this post in a language that isn´t the natural here.
